Pinoy Recipe

Recipe Blog

When it comes to cooking, Filipinos are known to be one of the best in the world. Because of the continuous food innovation in the industry, many have generated ideas and experiments that later on become the fusion of Western and Eastern Culinary and that is where the Filipino Cuisine was born.

About Us

Pinoy Recipe is an online platform particularly a website which showcases Filipino dishes which are affordable and delicious. With our website, we aim to inform and inspire people to re-create other dishes to spectacular ones by combining recipes that are new to the eyes of many.

Uncovering the innovative aspects is what we aim to do. We also feature snacks, meals, appetizers and desserts. Most of our dishes zero in on “Lutong Bahay” or “Home-cooked meals” to make it more convenient and budget-friendly to everybody.

Feel free to browse and check our website for more food ideas that you can share with your loved ones!


Pinoy Recipe aims to share delicious homemade recipes to educate food enthusiast individuals who love and enjoy cooking at the comfort of their home.

Tara Na at Magluto!

Filipino Cuisine and its origin

When it comes to cooking, Filipinos are known to be one of the best in the world. Because of the continuous food innovation all over the world. Many have generated ideas and experiments that later on become the fusion of Western and Eastern Culinary and that is where the Filipino Cuisine was born.

Filipino cuisine has evolved over several centuries. Malayo-Polynessian Beginnings have brought rice to the Philippines which is why until now Filipinos include rice as their daily food. During the Pre-hispanic era, Austronesian methods became popular in the said country wherein some methods include boiling, steaming, and roasting. These types of methods became applicable to chickens, carabaos, cows, pigs and seafood.

It has not been long when trading occurs. During 960-1279 AD where the Song Dynasty had reign, traders from China who used to trade spices have become huge and spices such as toyo, tokwa, toge, patis and many more. Dishes such as Pancit, Lumpia and noodles took over China and when Filipinos heard, they immediately incorporated it. Later on, cooking methods such as frying and stirring were also introduced.

During the time of Spaniards, it is known that Lapu-Lapu killed Magellan, a Portuguese navigator who claimed that the Philippines belonged to Spain. This results to having other cooking methods such as sautéeing and braising as well as new ingredients like garlic, onions, and tomatoes, and New World staples like corn and potatoes.

Then the American came and introduced hot dogs, hamburgers, SPAM, and fried chicken among them which also made cooking more convenient by also influencing Filipinos about the method of pre-cooking, freezing and putting everything into a sandwich.

The variety of Filipino food that we ate today are a direct fusion of indigenous flavours, recipes and outside influence.

Such fusion of cuisines doesn’t simply go side by side on a meal, but they could also go together in one dish. Like the popular Filipino Pork Menudo, for example, you can have the delicious blend of soy sauce and tomato sauce into one.

Because of the wide geography that the Philippines has a connection of, these influences have been reflected in various Filipino dishes.


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